
The "Stories of Epirus People" or "Ἀπειρωτᾶν" was created with an intention to offer young adults a space for sharing cultural heritage stories about Ioannina and the region of Epirus. The stories come from local people who are in connection with our communities for many years and like to share with us about the culture, history and little secrets of our region. Below you will find stories, galleries and videos created by our volunteers. 

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The 7 wonders of Epirus by Katerina Zianni and Bahaa Abusham


In this experience we visited and explored 7 of the lanscapes of Epirus, a region with a very rich natural inheritance, and a perfect place for adventure seekers and nature lovers.


The idea of this project:

  • Discovering and exploring the treasures of the natural inharitance of Epirus
  • Connecting with the roots and the history  
  • Talking with locals and sharing their experiences of the places.
  • Helpful information and guidance for young people who love to explore.
The 7 wonders of Epirus
The 7 wonders of Epirus.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 42.4 MB

Αφροδίτη του Μάλι, Venus de Mali by Hatoumata Tounkara


Through arts, completely different cultures can communicate and cohabit. I wanted to illustrate that through my art, fashion, and create a unique piece. As I am French and Malian, I created a piece that took inspiration from both Greece and Mali. It was a first for me, both in terms of stylism and crafting. I had to learn everything during the creation of this piece, but I enjoyed the whole process.


Αφροδίτη του Μάλι, Venus de Mali
A tribute to fashion.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 18.0 MB

History and Sociology of Clothing, the Case of Epirus by Natasa Deftereou



"Η περίοδος εθελοντισμού μου στο Κέντρο Νέων Ηπείρου υπήρξε αφορμή ώστε να έρθω σε επαφή με την πολιτιστική κληρονομιά της Ηπείρου και με ενέπνευσε να ερευνήσω πολλές πτυχές της τέχνης και της παράδοσης αυτού του τόπου. Η μελέτη τις τοπικής παραδοσιακής φορεσιάς μου δημιούργησε προβληματισμούς σχετικά με την μακραίωνη ιστορική πορεία του ενδύματος εν γένει, καθώς και για την κοινωνική θεώρηση και τις κοινωνιολογικές προεκτάσεις του.


Στο παρόν project, το οποίο έγινε στα πλαίσια του εθελοντισμού μου μέσω του Ευρωπαϊκού Σώματος Αλληλεγγύης, θα παρουσιάσω μία σύντομη ανάλυση της εξέλιξης του ενδύματος στην Ελλάδα και την ιστορικότητα και κοινωνιολογία της ενδυμασίας."

History and Sociology of Clothing, the Case of Epirus I
History and Sociology of Clothing, the C
Adobe Acrobat Document 13.3 MB
History and Sociology of Clothing, the Case of Epirus
History and Sociology of Clothing, the C
Adobe Acrobat Document 5.1 MB

What do the locals love about Ioannina? by Panos Choutas


This documentary explores the city not through facts, but through personal stories. Three locals share their unique relationships with Ioannina, revealing its soul beyond the postcard image. Even though their lives are different, they all share some things in common. They feel like they belong, they're proud of the city's history and beauty, and they each add something special to Ioannina's mix. 


I am very happy and proud with how my project came to be. Through it, I didn’t only learn a lot about Ioannina, but I also acquired knowledge about how to conduct interviews and how to make a film from scratch. If you also want to explore Ioannina, enjoy my documentary!

These contents are available for a reference and sharing, please cite the creator of the specific content and our website.

"The European Commission's support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."