The outbreak of COVID-19 has led to an unpresented health crisis that has also affected the functioning of economies and the wellness of societies and communities across Europe. The spread of the pandemic has led to a temporary restriction in the enjoyment of fundamental rights and democratic values have been severely challenged. Strengthening and nurturing democracy in the European Union is central to the 2024 European Parliament elections, so is the participation of citizens in the elections, especially first-time voters. Young people make up one third of Europe’s demographics, but often they do not have an interest in politics or the political processes. The project Make your Vote! encourages youth participation in Europe’s democratic life by raising awareness of the common European values, the importance of young people's voice in Europe and encouraging citizens to make informed decisions. Through a bottom-up approach, the project will implement activities that promote active citizenship, youth engagement and participation in democratic life and bringing together young people and decision- makers together to help young people discover and take their place in today’s complex society.



  • To encourage the participation of young people in the democratic life of Europe: Engage, Connect and Empower
  • To strengthen democratic participation, and to foster inclusion and empowerment of young people and first-time voters
  • To promoting active citizenship and young people’s voice in the decision-making process
  • Raising awareness of EU’s common values, such as: democracy, freedom, equality, fundamental rights
  • Creating tools to effectively participate in public life and skills to make young people’s voices heard in shaping policies and in Europe’s resilience process


World Café event

We are pleased to invite you to attend the online international event World Café as the launching of the project Make Your Vote! 


We believe that participation in democratic life is of utmost importance when it comes to shaping our European future. Thus, we encourage young people, first time voters and citizens to join us for a discussion on the European Commission’s priorities (2019-2024) and to get poll answers on crucial topics related to the EU as a whole. 


This event will be online from 16:00 to 18:00 (CET, UTC +1) on February 22nd (Wednesday) via Zoom.


Facilitator of the event is Domagoj Morić.

Domagoj Morić has a BA in Public Relations and MA in Scientific Research of Mass Communication. He has more than 10 years of experience as a trainer and led training under the programmes “Education about the EU” and “Public Relations in Education”. Domagoj is also the owner and CEO of the small company DOMAS, which works with NGOs from Croatia and abroad, the National Agencies for Erasmus+ Programmes and private companies and agencies for project consulting.


Your opinions and attitudes are important to us, so please register here by February 20nd:


You can download the agenda of the World Cafe event below:

MYV World Cafe Agenda.docx.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 64.3 KB

On 22 February 2023, the initiative "Make Your Vote!" was successfully inaugurated with a fittingly named World Café online event. Participants from various parts of Europe engaged in meaningful discussions about the European Commission's priorities (2019-2024) and shared their perspectives on critical EU issues. The lively debates and insightful polls highlighted the significance of democratic participation in shaping our collective future.


Special thanks go to the moderator, Domagoj Morić, whose expert guidance and extensive experience in public relations and mass communication greatly enriched the discussions. His skillful facilitation ensured that diverse viewpoints were heard and respected, fostering a collaborative and inclusive atmosphere. Morić's ability to navigate complex topics and encourage constructive dialogue played a crucial role in the event's success, leaving participants feeling informed, empowered, and more connected to the democratic process.

Citizen's Dialogue

We announce with pleasure, that on Wednesday 14th of June 6pm, Kaplani 10 Ioannina, we will host a simulation of a Citizen’s Debate. The event is based on the concept of Citizen’s Debate of the EU, being carried out between citizens and policymakers. In Ioannina, local people will have an opportunity to ask questions and share suggestions about local and EU policies, priorities with Christina Kotsanti, representing the department of Social Protection and Migration Policy. Moreover, some of the participants will have an opportunity to participate in video making regarding our expectations from the future Members of the European Parliament.


Everyone, especially people aged 18-35 are welcome to participate in the debate, to apply please click on the link below and register: 

We are pleased to announce that on Wednesday 28 June at 18:00 p.m. at the Epirus Youth Centre, 10 Kaplani, Ioannina, we will host a simulated Citizens' Debate. The event is based on the concept of the EU Citizens' Dialogue, which is conducted between citizens and policy makers. In Ioannina, those who take part will have the opportunity to ask questions and share proposals for local and EU policies, priorities with Mr. Odysseus Potsi: Deputy Regional Governor in charge of Culture, Youth, Education and Lifelong Learning.


Everyone, especially people aged 18-35, is welcome to join the discussion. To apply, click on the link below and register:

The Citizens' Dialogue simulation comprised two events hosted at the Youth Center of Epirus.


On June 14th, 2023, YC Epirus hosted another local simulation of a Citizens' Dialogue at Ioannina, Greece. Participants engaged in profound discussions with Christina Kotsanti, the Deputy Mayor of Social Protection and Migration Policy. Insightful questions were posed, and valuable suggestions were offered concerning local policies and EU priorities. The debate encompassed a broad array of topics, including social welfare, the integration of migrants, and sustainable development. Concerns were articulated about the efficacy of current social protection measures, and innovative ideas were proposed to enhance support for vulnerable groups. The dialogue underscored the importance of collaboration between local and EU authorities to effectively address migration challenges. Beyond policy discussions, the event cultivated a sense of community and civic engagement. The opportunity to voice opinions directly to a key decision-maker and contribute to shaping the policies that impact daily lives was greatly appreciated by attendees. The event also saw a brief appearance by the mayor of Ioannina, Dimitris Papageorgiou, who addressed questions from participants regarding the future of Ioannina. Towards the event's conclusion, five participants participated in a short interview video activity, sharing their expectations from the Members of the European Parliament.


On June 28th, 2023, YC Epirus hosted another local simulation of a Citizens' Dialogue at Ioannina, Greece. The esteemed local policymaker Odysseas Potsis, serving as the vice governor of the Epirus region and deputy of the Youth, Education, and Lifelong Learning department, engaged in a vibrant dialogue with 14 young citizens of Ioannina. The event commenced with a warm and welcoming address by the moderator, setting the stage for an enriching exchange. Participants were provided with a comprehensive introduction to the project and its key objectives. The discussions during the initial segment were focused on the profound importance of lifelong learning, non-formal education, and active civic engagement. Engrossed in thoughtful deliberations, participants and the local policymaker explored various facets of youth involvement in civic life in Ioannina, while also addressing the intricate challenges pertaining to information dissemination among the prefecture, municipality, organizations, and the Ioannina community. Transitioning seamlessly into the latter part of the event, the spotlight shifted towards illuminating lifelong learning initiatives within the European Union. Participants delved into the array of European opportunities available for young individuals within the realms of education and lifelong learning, all intricately aligned with the overarching priorities of the EU.

International Skills Training: CONNECT

From 6th to 10th November three participants, among them one of our staff members, took part in an International Skills Training, CONNECT, which took place in the capital of Bulgaria, Sofia. This training is part of a long-term project called Make Your Vote, in which we are partners together with other organisations from EU countries: Bulgaria, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Poland, and Croatia. Make Your Vote is a project funded by the European Commission and is part of the CERV Programme. 


During these days in Sofia, participants had the opportunity to discover and foster their skills for active participation in policy-making. Different techniques and methods were used to build the content, such as World Café, debates, or learning by creating. At the end of the training, through collaborative dynamics, the participants created innovative tools for civil and civic participation of young people in democratic life.

International Youth Debate: EMPOWER

From the 5th to the 9th of February, the International Youth Debate “EMPOWER” took place in the city of Ioannina, Greece. 5 working day mobility in which 34 participants coming from all project partner countries (Bulgaria, Italy, Croatia, Belgium, Poland, Spain, and Greece) had the change to became more aware of EU common values and the importance of voting in elections, both at national and European level. Moreover, through the sessions they could discover the decision-making procedures of the EU Parliament, by performing a youth debate related to the European Commission six priorities, similar to a session of the European Parliament. 


One of the outcomes of the International Youth Debate “EMPOWER”, was creating recommendations aimed at policymakers. The defined structure of the policy recommendation created by the participants of the event is the following: to address the overall youth participation in the EU democratic processes through the areas of youth strategies, education, partnerships, and digitalization and media; and, furthermore, to work on a better future for the EU through the social, cultural, environmental, and digitalization pillars. 


Non-formal and informal educational methods were used in order to conduct the activities, which included joint analysis, large group debate, action and learning by creating recommendations aimed at policymakers.

Final Youth Conference

We are pleased to announce that the final youth conference under the "Make Your Vote" project was successfully held on May 8th. The event was moderated by Sebastian Berchesan, Executive Secretary of Stand Up for Europe. The online conference saw the enthusiastic participation of over 100 individuals interested in democratic participation, civic engagement, and the role of young people in decision-making at the European level.


The event commenced with interactive ice-breaking polls designed to gauge the audience's interests in various policy areas, their voting attitudes, and their perceptions of the impact of future Members of the European Parliament (MEPs). Attendees were then addressed by two distinguished keynote speakers: Sophie in ‘t Veld, MEP, Renew Group, and Ruben Schouten, a young MEP candidate. They highlighted the crucial role of youth in European democratic life and shared their visions and messages with the participants. Following the keynote speeches, Mariya Rachinska, Manager of FECE, presented the key activities and results of the "Make Your Vote" project, which spanned an 18-month journey. Nevena Dobreva, Chair of FECE, introduced the project consortium. One of the most engaging segments of the event featured testimonials from young participants who engaged in both local and international activities of the "Make Your Vote" project. Svilena Kostadinova, Miguel Suarez Villanueva, David Montoya, Lorenzo Favero, Marta Alonso Mamolar, Marko Brozović, and Bartłomiej Domagała shared their personal experiences and provided recommendations for policymakers. The event concluded with a Q&A session, followed by questions designed to assess the conference's impact. Most participants reported a changed perception of the importance of voting and expressed their intention to vote in the upcoming European elections (June 6-9) and to use the educational resources from the project to empower other young individuals.


As we reach the final phase of the "Make Your Vote" project, we want to emphasize the outstanding work of all partners involved. Their dedication has educated and inspired over 450 direct participants from seven countries to become active, engaged, and critically thinking citizens.


We extend our gratitude to everyone who contributed to making this event a success and for your continued commitment to fostering youth participation in democratic processes.


The consortium of the "Make Your Vote" CERV-funded project is pleased to announce that the audio-visual guide created within the project is now available online. This comprehensive guide is designed to educate young people and first-time voters about the functioning of the European Union, various forms of democratic participation, and the importance of civic engagement. It provides valuable insights into how the EU operates and highlights the significance of active participation in the democratic process. The guide also features the voices, perspectives, and political recommendations of young people from seven different countries: Bulgaria, Greece, Italy, Belgium, Croatia, Poland, and Spain. These contributions reflect the diverse experiences and aspirations of European youth, emphasizing the collective effort required to strengthen democratic values and civic participation across the continent.


We encourage educators, youth leaders, and civic organizations to utilize this guide as a resource for promoting democratic engagement and political literacy among young people. By fostering a deeper understanding of the EU and encouraging active participation, we can empower the next generation to contribute meaningfully to the future of Europe.


For further information and to explore the guide, please visit:

Guide with Participatory Tools for active citizenship

Inside this guide, you'll find a rich array of participatory methods and strategies carefully designed to facilitate inclusive decision-making processes. Whether you're organizing community meetings, leading public forums, or leveraging digital platforms for advocacy, each tool is tailored to empower individuals from all walks of life to have their voices heard. Grounded in principles of democracy and social justice, this guide emphasizes collaboration and cooperation among diverse stakeholders. By embracing the spirit of active citizenship, you'll not only contribute to positive change but also foster a culture of civic engagement that transcends boundaries.

Adobe Acrobat Document 739.5 KB

Recommendations Report

The policy recommendations emerged from the EMPOWER: International Youth Debate, a pivotal initiative within the Make Your Vote! project. Facilitated by 34 participants hailing from Bulgaria, Greece, Belgium, Italy, Spain, Croatia, and Poland, the event unfolded from February 5 to 9, 2024, in Ioannina, Greece. The primary objectives were twofold: to embolden young individuals through a youth debate modeled after a session of the European Parliament (EP) and to craft a comprehensive set of recommendations for policymakers aimed at catalyzing active youth engagement in democratic processes.


This document delves into the perspectives and motivations of young participants regarding active participation, along with their visions for the future of the European Union across four key thematic domains: cultural, social, digital, and environmental. Rooted in empirical evidence reflecting low youth involvement in policymaking and democratic exercises, particularly evident in EU elections, the recommendations respond to these pressing needs. Structured into two distinct sections, the document unfolds with the participants' recommendations to policymakers, intending to invigorate greater youth involvement in the democratic fabric of Europe and local communities. Subsequently, it offers insights into young people's perspectives and stances concerning the future trajectory of the European project within the aforementioned thematic realms.


Furthermore, this document incorporates statistical data illuminating youth participation trends, complemented by an in-depth analysis of prevailing patterns in the realm of youth engagement.

Adobe Acrobat Document 197.6 KB

Informative videos

The video explores why active citizenship matters in the European Union. It highlights how getting involved in democratic processes and community activities can strengthen the EU, promote social cohesion, and make sure that citizens' voices count in decision-making. The video stresses the benefits of staying informed, engaged, and proactive in contributing to both local communities and the broader EU framework.

Citizens can engage with and influence various institutions within the European Union through multiple avenues. This video explains the roles and functions of key EU bodies, including the European Parliament, the European Commission, and the Council of the European Union. It highlights the importance of participating in elections, public consultations, and other democratic processes to have a voice in EU policymaking and governance.

This video highlights opportunities such as voting in European elections, participating in public consultations and initiatives, and engaging with Members of the European Parliament (MEPs). It aims to empower citizens to have their voices heard and effectively influence EU policies.

Local Simulation Citizens' Dialogue

The following videos showcase a simulation event where citizens engage in a structured dialogue to discuss and deliberate on various issues affecting their community and the broader European Union. The simulation aims to foster active citizenship, enhance understanding of democratic processes, and encourage public participation in EU affairs.