International Volunteer Forum in Moscow, Russia

From 2nd to 5th of December 2018, 3 active members of YC Epirus took part in the Internal Youth Volunteer Forum in Moscow, Russia. In total, 15,000 people from all around the world took part in the event - leaders and active members from volunteer and charity organisations, civil activists and others who hold voluntarism as an important part of their lives. The event consisted of business, practical and cultural sections.


Participants visited NGOs, charity foundations and social organisations; joined discussions and master classes, expositions, fairs, congress and networking activities. Main aims of the Forum were to mark the Year of Voluntarism, to involve greater amount of people in active social and civic life, as well as to set a new pace of development of the volunteer movement.


One of our representatives had the honour to present our organisation and talk about the importance of voluntarism to the participants of the forum.