Τraining course "Empower People in Solidarity" Craiova, Romania

The Erasmus+ project we attended during the period 15/10 /21 -25/10/21 in Craiova, Romania was entitled "Empower people in Solidarity". The participating countries were Greece, Romania and Turkey. The content of the project was extremely interesting as it raised a very significant issue, that of solidarity, which we all need to be more or less aware of. The program was about tele-drama and how we can reach their children and their families, especially today when everything is happening online.


There was a daily schedule, starting in the morning with group activities that promoted team spirit, expression and collaboration on multiple levels. Also, it was quite experiential as everything we prepared in groups, then we presenting it to the rest of the participants, thus making it more realistic and understandable by others. That was something very pleasant as we were given the opportunity to socialize, get to know other cultures and exchange opinions. In general, we used many interactive methods to present what we were discussing and learning in everyday contexts, such as role-playing. Furthermore, we have dealt intensively with the concepts of empathy, inclusion and non-formal education, which in essence are alternative and innovative methods of transmitting ideas, experiences and cognitive content.


As part of the multicultural evening, each country showed its positive elements, which gave us a lot of information about events and things we did not know about the other cultures. Meanwhile we had prepared some traditional food and delicacies that we offered to others representing our country.


In general, the project had a very positive character as we learned new things, met people "different" from us and gained knowledge very important for our future. Undoubtedly, this is a unique and unforgettable experience for all the members of the Greek team and the rest. 




This project was co-funded by European Union, the Erasmus+ Program