Training course "Community Leaders", in Caparnica, Italy

As part of the Erasmus+ program, the training course "Community Leaders" took place in Caparnica, Italy, from the 28th of November, until the 6th of December 2024. In the following paragraphs, one of the contestants shares their experience:


"I had the opportunity to take part in the training course, 'Community leaders', in Capranica, Italy. The participating countries were: Italy, Romania, Poland, Bulgaria, Spain, Estonia and Greece.


On the days of the training course, we did many activities, mainly in the home gym and outside in nature. The environment in the area was very beautiful and calm with many trees, flowers and animals (horses and dogs). One of my favourite activities we did in the program was a game where we had to split into groups, create our own seminar, and then present it to the rest of the groups. It was a very interesting and interactive experience and I felt a bond with the other people.


In this training course, we learned how to manage situations in the social groups we are part of and how to guide the group in specific cases for the common good. I also learned how to respect all people and how different each person is. I understood that I need to manage situations of disagreements or serious problems, among other things."




This project was co-funded by European Union, the Erasmus+ Program